Pac-Man Song
Pac-Man Song
"Inky, Blinky, Clyde, better move aside
Energizer ride for the cherries
Pinky cannot hide in the blue divide
Ghost and Man collide, he gets buried"
Start Over
via I'm a Human Inbox
zero transmission is an unofficial side project of squarescubed and is not bound to any particular genre of music.
Pac-Man Song
The Ride Theory
Details for Kplecraft :: KNMS-001 [mtk146]
Twin Cities Electropunk Volume 2
Grab the 1st Zero Transmission podcast here!
Sijis Radio :: Down with the Chairman
bit_rock alumnae :: electronic collective
Ho-hum. Just another day at the offices of Squares Cubed. Just another day of the best new music on the net. Just another day filling out my TPS cover sheets.
Download the whole, high-quality show here!
Squares Cubed February 17 2005
Perhaps this week's episode can unravel the meaning behind this dream.
Mystechs :: Omega Point Records
Squares Cubed February 10 2005
You can also download the whole pre-mixed show here.
Squares Cubed February 03 2005
It's been a month since your favourite dj saviours have been in the studio together so you just know that tears have been shed and pints have been downed in celebration of their reunion.
Grab some of the best music available on the net here! :: netlabel
Squares Cubed January 27 2005
Marc returns to Squares Cubed and brings with him a "heapin' help of ambient quietude," which he vetted while trying to get his newborn son to fall asleep.
Quietly download the whole show here. Shhhhh!
January 20 2005
Download the whole, high-quality show here!
Squares Cubed January 13 2005
Marc and Chris have a great start to the new year with this upbeat mix of netaudio goodies sure to keep toes a-tapping and fingers a-snapping.
Download the whole, high-quality show here!
Squares Cubed December 30 2004
Some laid-back audio to prepare you for 2005. Remember to stick to your new year resolutions at least until the end of this episode of SC so put down that smoke and get on the treadmill.
Should olde episodes be forgot click here!